I’m pleased to offer a great set of tools for AutoCAD Electrical symbol building – for free! These tools are designed with substation designers in mind, allowing them to create large-scale symbols (think SEL relay wiring diagram symbols) with ease and efficiency. Here’s a brief glimpse of what’s included.

IAN – This tool allows users to automatically increment attribute names, so that TERM01 becomes TERM02 with just a single click!
IAV – Similar to IAN, except that instead of incrementing attribute names, this tool increments attribute values.
CHA_DIR – This tool lets users quickly and painlessly change the direction of attributes like X1TERM01. That means you can change X1TERM01 to X4TERM01 with just a click!
REORDER_ATTDEF – In the Enhanced Attribute Editor inside of AutoCAD Electrical, attributes appear in the order in which they were placed on the symbol drawing. But with this tool, attributes are reordered so that they appear in a logical and functional order.
AGAP – This tool creates a user-defined gap between attributes, making symbols look clean and professional.

Full documentation is included with the download. Just click on the link to download the .zip file, and then extract it in a convenient location on your local drive. Open any AutoCAD Electrical drawing, and the file holtdesign.fas to the Startup Suite by using the command APPLOAD. Now the file will automatically load with every new drawing you open. We’re confident that you’re going to love these tools, and that they will make symbol building so much more fun and efficient!

Note (11-28-18): The design tools have been updated to correct an issue with the AGAP tool requiring the user to be running the SDS toolkit in AutoCAD Electrical.

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